Monday, February 23, 2009


Be happy...
I've been having a really hard time lately and I'm going through a lot of big changes and I need to figure everything out.  SO, if you have any advice.... do not be afraid to lash it out.  Be as harsh as you can.  I can handle it, I'm ready.


Katie Cannon said...
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Katie Cannon said...

KK getting bigger and better KK always leading the wayyyyyy.....

Lisa Marie Crosby said...

Hey KK! Well I don't think that I have anything profound to say about being happy, but I am trying not to feel the "it's-not-springtime-yet-blues" myself. Holding a precious little newborn, so pure, bright, and clean helps though. Come visit us anytime you need a smile. Love you Katie!

jon crosby said...

I have been waiting a long time to hear you say those words. JK KK. Here is my advice for you: Don't Worry, Be Happy. We all love you and are here for you whenever you need a friend/family. Love you